Join us

Join us or renew your membership

If you love the outdoors and have an interest in keeping this beautiful part of the country accessible to everyone, please join us or renew your membership.

You'll be helping us simply by being a member.

A view over Ladybower Reservoir and to a distant horizon from high on Derwent Edge

What you get

In addition to the good feeling of knowing that your membership is helping us in our work, you'll get a Welcome Pack which includes your Welcome Letter, the latest Signpost edition and Annual Report, plus a PNFS keyring.

Follow a picture to find out more.

Membership types

We actively try to keep subscriptions affordable for most people, so as a charity we rely greatly on donations to help us with our running costs. If you can afford to, please make an additional donation.

Membership is annual and your choices are:




A minumum of 2 people living at the same address.



People under 21 and in full-time education, or those on low income and claiming benefit.



Is for organisations which choose to support us. Membership benefits are as detailed above, PLUS we can include a link to your organisation on our Affiliate Members page and you can bid to benefit from our improvements funding.


How to join

If you’re new here, welcome and thank you for thinking about joining us. Whether you’re new, or a member already, please choose a payment option below.

We greatly rely your generosity to carry out our work. If you can afford to, please make a donation. Any amount will be a great help to us in our work.

To help us even more, if you pay income tax in the UK, you can Gift Aid* any payments you make. They’ll be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you.

gift aid it logo

Join or renew for a year

with a payment card online

New members receive a Welcome Pack within 14 days and their membership will be confirmed by email.

* Please note that by answering 'Yes' to the question 'Apply Gift Aid?' you are confirming that you are a UK taxpayer and that you authorise us to apply for Gift Aid on any membership or donation payments made now, or during the past 4 years. You also acknowledge that you must pay enough Income or Capital Gains Tax in each tax year to cover the Gift Aid claimed on all donations to all charities, otherwise it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

Membership type required:
Name (and/or membership no. if already a member):
Apply Gift Aid? (not applicable for Affiliates):


using a payment card online

Please consider making a donation. The choices on the right are £5, £10, £25 and £50. To donate a different amount, please use either of the buttons below and please Gift Aid your donation if possible – see GIFT AID above.
PayPal Charities Aid Foundation
Please choose an amount:


embossed metal badges

Enamel painted 2cm diameter metal pin badge showing our 'legacy' logo.
Stamped metal pin badge showing our old logo
Add to basket

cloth badges

Embroidered 8cm diameter cloth badge showing our 'legacy' logo.
Cloth badge showing our old logo
Add to basket


your basket

See what you've got, make any changes and make a secure payment.

Join or renew with BACS (bank transfer)

for one year

To join or renew with BACS (bank transfer), please use your own bank's system to make the appropriate payment to Peak & Northern Footpaths Society. Our account number is 65821800 and our sort code is 08-92-99.

If you're a new member, please use your house number and postcode as a reference (e.g., 3 AB2 1CD). If you're renewing your membership, please use your name and/or postcode, or your membership number as a reference.

IMPORTANT When you pay by BACS, because we receive only very basic details from the bank, please use this email link to tell us about your payment. If you're a new member, this will also help us to make sure you receive your Welcome Pack.

Join or renew by direct debit or cheque

for a year or indefinitely

We prefer payment by direct debit. It's the best option as it saves everyone time and, because it involves less admin, it saves us money too. If you prefer to pay by cheque that's absolutely fine. Just download the appropriate form (PDF) below, complete it and return it to the street or email address* shown on the form.

New member Renewal

The PDF will load into a new browser window where you can use your browser's tools to download it.
* SAVE PAPER These forms are designed to be interactive so that you can return it by email without having to print it out. You should be able fill in your details in your browser but if that's not possible, please download the form to your device and open it in a dedicated PDF-viewing app.